Admiral Markets achieved a record number of new clients in 2019

Admiral Markets achieved a record number of new clients in 2019

For Admiral Markets, 2019 was another successful year. The group’s market share and customer base grew faster than market expectations.

Admiral Markets Group AS was able to increase its consolidated net trading income compared to 2018. It was EUR 32.6 million in 2018, when in 2019 it was 3% higher, reaching EUR 33.5 million. Despite the increase in operating costs, the consolidated profit of the group was EUR 5.2 million. Customers of Admiral Markets carried out more than 31.8 million trading transactions in 2019, and the value of trades increased by 3% to EUR 590 billion. By the end of December 2019, Admiral Markets Group AS had approximately 14,800 active clients per month. Compared to the same period in 2018, when the corresponding figure was close to 10,500. The active clients’ assets increased by 45% and the total number of registered clients grew by more than 20%.

“The key words describing 2019 are new markets, a strong team and investments in innovation and IT solutions,” said Sergei Bogatenkov, CEO of Admiral Markets. “Large-scale technological developments have enabled us to provide our customers an even higher quality at participating in international financial markets and more personalized customer interaction,” added Sergei Bogatenkov. “We opened our business to regions in Africa, Asia and Canada, where we want to further expand our presence in the coming years. It is great recognition for the company and our employees that our performance is valued and noticed. For the first time, we reached the top ten of the Enterprise Estonia Enterprise Awards in the Exporter Award of the Year and won all industry-specific awards in Germany, proving that we continue to be quality leader in our field,” said Sergei Bogatenkov, CEO of Admiral Markets.

According to Bogatenkov, Admiral Markets carried out a brainstorming session last year on how the company could implement greener technologies and solutions to reduce its environmental footprint. Also, Admiral Markets was one of the main driving forces behind the SOS Children’s Village social campaign #OlemeKoos.

In 2020, Admiral Markets will continue to implement its vision for 2030 and introduce a new groundbreaking IT solution that will open up financial services to potential customers.