Admiral Markets recognized the young inventors

Admiral Markets recognized the young inventors

Sergei Bogatenkov, the CEO of Admiral Markets, participated at the award ceremony of the national competition for best student inventors held at the PROTO factory in Tallinn. On behalf of Admiral Markets, he gave two prizes to young inventors. In total, more than 600 exciting inventions were submitted to the competition.

The Admiral Markets awards went to young inventors Ruudi Seppel from the 3rd grade of Pärnu Old Town Elementary School and Arabella Kruuse from the 8th grade of Tõrva Gymnasium. Ruudi participated in the competition with an invention called “Shoe and Boot Beep”, and Arabella came up with an innovative telephone app, “VAIB”, which supports students’ mental health.

Ruudi’s idea of ​​shoe and boot beep is for children whose feet are growing fast. It is a sock that signals when the shoe is getting small for a child. Arabella’s app is designed to support young people’s mental health and provides solutions to students’ concerns that are easy to encounter in everyday school life.

Sergei Bogatenkov, CEO of Admiral Markets, said he read the descriptions of children’s inventions with admiration. “Science and technology are evolving at a rapid pace. If we think back to history, instead of an alarm clock, there was once a person who walked and knocked on people’s doors. The same was with street lighting, which was replaced by a person walking and burning oil or candles. Today, I admire those young inventors whose ideas are so courageous, innovative and world-changing, ”said Bogatenkov. “I am very pleased that Admiral Markets supports young inventors, because I believe that small inventors will one day soon become big and famous. I would also like to thank the instructors and teachers of the inventors, who are the background force for the little heroes and help them to invent and implement their bold, innovative and special inventions,” added Bogatenkov.