Admiral Markets supporting the Duck Rally

As previously, Admiral Markets supports the Duck Rally this year, launched by the Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer, which is a charity bath duck race, initiated to support children with cancer and their parents. The duck rally reminds us that we can all be present at the birth of hope. Duck rally donations support the work of a support center for children with cancer and their families created with the support of previous rallies. The center offers comprehensive help and support services to children and their families struggling with cancer diagnosis.
“We admire the work of the Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer in supporting children with cancer and their families. As the father of two young children, I know how much of a common cold is a cause for concern. What these little brave people are going through in fighting a serious illness deserves as much help as possible. We are very pleased to be able to contribute also this year so that the children and their mothers and fathers can have hope for a happy tomorrow,” said Sergei Bogatenkov, CEO of Admiral Markets.
“The knowledge that we have donors and their network gives us the confidence that we have been kept and will not be left alone in our biggest trouble,” was Kaili Semm, the head of the Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer, moved by the goodwill of people and organizations supporting the duck race. “Above all, we must help parents to stay strong for their children and maintain a clear mind. The role of the parent is very important in the child’s recovery, because he or she is not only next to the child, but participates in the treatment of the child with cancer. However, in ensuring the child’s emotional coping, the parent must first of all manage himself. The worst is the feeling of helplessness. You may have the money in the world, but in case of cancer, nothing else in life has value. We don’t know when someone else is in the same role. Therefore, we help and support those who need it today. ”